Slowly Making Improvements

The Long View

We finally started making a few changes in the classroom this weekend. My husband had bookshelves along the wall that always got in the way and really made the room look dark, so we moved them to the back wall next to the gym equipment. I then moved the dividers in front of his shelves and along the empty wall for our daily calendar exercises.

We also got an Ikea Expedit bookcase via craigslist and saved about $25. It really makes a difference in the space.

Ikea Expedit Bookcase

I now have to organize the books and I found a free download called Libra (short for library). It is vista compatible and it enables you to enter the books via ISBN or by title and it links to Amazon. I exported it in spreadsheet form and printed it so that I could put the books on the shelf alphabetically (it will only organize by title or first name of book author).

I think InshaALLAH, I will be getting the Expedit Desk also, because I need ample storage space for my teacher’s manuals and a place to store things that should be out of reach of little one’s hands. Right now, I am using the small table that the kids usually use for art to hold my books.

Where My Desk Should Be

About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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