Reading Progress Report

AlhamduLILLAH, the end of the Bob Books (collection 3) series is near and my son is reading much better now. MashaALLAH, recording his reading sessions has allowed me to catch his mistakes and devise a plan to correct them.


He’s still having trouble with the long “e” sound for some reason and I noticed that he wants to add the letter “n” after the letter “s”.  I think that he’ll have to practice reading words that have digraph “ee” (long “e” sound in the middle of the word) from the whiteboard, InshaALLAH.

Remember these?

I made these so long ago that I’d forgotten them. I believe I was expecting my third child at the time and my brain was foggy. 🙂 Anyway, they add a little novelty to the reading practice so that he doesn’t feel that it’s boring or tiresome. If you make them, use something sharp. I used what I had on hand at the time, which was craft knife that was a bit too dull, and the window boxes are not very even.


About Umm Maryam

I am an American Muslim homeschooling mom of four who is living in Canada and trying to become stronger on the deen as each day passes, InshaAllah.
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